The American Flag atop the Mound
Centennial American Flag
On the hillside above the Inclined Plane is a magnificent 30’ x 60’ is the Centennial American flag. It flies on a 125’ flagpole, putting the flag at the highest point above the valley. This flag can be seen for miles-- from almost any point in the valley. It is illuminated at night and is only lowered during severe weather.
Efforts to raise the flag over Johnstown were started by local citizens to commemorate the Flood Centennial in 1989. The flag was dedicated on August 19, 1989. Today contributions are still solicited for maintenance and replacement of the flag. You can make a contribution to the Centennial Flag Fund through the Community Foundation of the Alleghenies.
The flag atop the mound towers over the Johnstown Inclined Plane. Its area is 60 ft by 30 ft. The idea of the Flag at the top of the Incline came from Sandy McQuaide, who organized the Centennial Flag committee to raise funds for the first flag and replacement flags. In 2003, an Endowment Fund was established for the Flag at the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies.
The Flag costs approximately $2,000 to replace, and we always try to have one spare flag in place.
Those willing to donate checks can do so by making a check out to the “Johnstown Inclined Plane Flag Fund." While at the Incline, you can make a donation in the Gift Shop.
You can also make a donation online by clicking the button below:
On behalf of the Incline Flag Committee, we thank you for helping to keep “Old Glory” flying high above the Johnstown region.
For more information about the Flag Fund call (814) 536-1816.